Saturday, November 6, 2010

Proper use of Flickr

When using the works of others, it is very important to give credit to that person in order to avoid copyright infringement.  Some Flickr users will allow others to use their photographs, but only if the user follows the Creative Commons Licensing procedure.  Information about the various licenses can be found at the Creative Commons Licensing website, but I have described each in this blog post.

There are six different licenses to be aware of.  Each has their own specific requirements for use.

1. Attribution License-This means that others may copy, distribute, and display the work, but only if credit is given to the owner of the material.

2. Attribution-NoDerivs License-This means that others may copy, distribute and display only verbatim forms of the work and credit must be given to the owner of the material.

3. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License-This means that others may copy, distribute, and display the work only in verbatim for, only for non-commercial purposes and credit must be given to the owner of the material.

4. Attribution-NonCommercial License-This means that others may copy, distribute, and display the work only for non-commercial purposes, it does not have to be verbatim, and credit must be given to the owner of the material.

5. Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License-This means that others may copy, distribute, and display the work only for non-commercial purposes, under a license that is the same as the license that govens the work, and credit must be given to the owner of the material.

6. Attribution-ShareAlike License-This means that owners may copy, distribute, and display the work under a license that is the same as the license that govens the work, and credit must be given to the owner of the work.

                                          Photo by: By CMYKcolours Mark Elzey Jr

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