Thursday, October 14, 2010

The "Twitter" Bug

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Twitter is a great resource that can be used for professional development.  Some great websites with reasons for using Twitter were created by Laura Walker or Richard ByrneBe sure to check them out!

As educators, we spend the majority of our time working with students, and we don't have that much time to collaborate with our colleagues.  Using Twitter is a great way to collaborate with other teachers for new ideas or suggestions on how to better our teaching of a particular topic.  Twitter also gives us the opportunity to communicate with people from different areas of the world, so we have plenty of different resources.

Because each Twitter page is unique, teachers can use their pages as a journal to reflect on their teaching.  For example, if I felt my lesson went really well, I could tweet about it so that other people following my Twitter page could find new ideas that might work for them.  On the contrary, if I was having trouble with classroom management, I am sure their would be many other experienced educators that could offer me some great advice.  For these reasons, Twitter is a great resource for teachers!

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