Saturday, November 20, 2010

Collaboration Made Easy with ePals

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The ePals website is a great way for teachers, parents and students to collaborate.  Most importantly, this website is safe and easy to use.  After exploring the ePals website and watching the demo, I found many features that would be very useful in this program. 

First, I think that the blog feature would be a great way for the teacher to communicate with students.  The instructor could post instructions and reminders for the students to help them keep up to date with classwork. 

The forum feature would be a great way to post homework or other class assignments.  It would be an easy way for the teacher to collect assignments, and it is paperless!  Absent students would be responsible for checking the forum to find their missing work.

The Wiki feature is my favorite.  This is a way for students to collaboratively contribute to a project from their own computer.  I think this feature would be very useful because all students work at different speeds, and this feature would allow students to continue working on a group project without the guidance of the teacher.

Lastly, the global community feature is very unique because it allows teachers to connect with other classrooms throughout the world.  This feature would be great for my classroom because my students would be able to communicate with Spanish speaking students.

1 comment:

  1. I hope that you get a chance to try out some of these features with your own students.
    Dr. Burgos
