Saturday, November 20, 2010

How "Global" is Global Collaboration?

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Ethan Zuckerman raises some extremely important concerns in the video, Ethan Zuckerman: Listening to Global Voices.  He first shows the vulnerability of people who use social network websites such as Twitter.  Although we believe that we are globally connected, our social network is comprised of people that we choose to have contact with.  Therefore, our sources of information may only consist of people just like us, which limits our global contact.

Zuckerman also presents some very interesting visuals such as a map of flights around the country that show how much more limited the contact is between the continents of Africa and South America compared to that of the United States and Europe.

This video really would be great to show my students because I don't think that they realize how limited the information is that they receive, and they often forget about important issues that occur internationally.  Zuckerman's cause is a very important one, and I hope that changes can be made to help create a more global representation of world issues.

1 comment:

  1. I think it would be quite interesting to get the reaction of students to this video.
    Dr. Burgos
