Saturday, November 6, 2010

Teach Grammar Quicker with Flickr

After looking at the Bubblr and Bookr tools that can be found at the Bubblr website and the Bookr website, I was very excited about the possibilities that these websites can give to my students.  

The Bubblr website allows you to create text bubbles and place them on photographs, and then add the text.  I think this would be a great project to use with my Spanish classes.  Not only would they be able to show their creativity, but they would also be able to demonstrate their abilities in Spanish by creating a Spanish comic strip type project. 

The Bookr website allows students to create a book, which would be great to use with my level 2 students.  I think it would be really fun for them to experiment with all of the features that the Flickr website has to offer, and it would be a perfect way to evaluate their comprehension of the Spanish language through a different form of assessment than a written test. 

Also, the students would have the projects on their Flickr webpage, so it would be something that they could share with their families and friends, or use as a part of an online resume.

This is a sample of a way that I could use the Bubblr website in my classroom (The students would create something more involved):

Photo by: Sixtopaz

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