Sunday, September 26, 2010

It's Just the beginNING...

Using a NING is another fast and easy way to get connected.  This network allows you to join groups that discuss a variety of topics.  For me, one useful website that I am interested in for professional use would be the Classroom 2.0 NING.  On this page, there are other professionals having discussions about the Social Media that they use in their classrooms.  This site would be especially useful to me because I noticed that there are other teachers that are looking to use Skype to connect classrooms around the world.  Also, there were educators discussing new technology that they had used and ordered for their classroom such as video cameras.

Another NING that is useful to me is a private one called FLES.  This website connects the members of the West Seneca District and is a work in progress.  It's goal is to introduce Foreign Language in the elementary schools.  Both of these websites are very useful ways to keep everyone updated with new ideas and developments in the professional world.

1 comment:

  1. I hope that the FLES participants are successful in getting FL into the elementary schools. That's definitely the place to start. One problem some districts around the country have had when they did FLES previously is the lack of a clearly defined curriculum that continued through middle and high school. I hope that the teachers in West Seneca take that into consideration.
    Dr. Burgos
