Saturday, September 18, 2010

"Did You Know?"

The, "Did You Know?" video was really interesting and got me thinking about Social Media and how it affects my life and the lives of my students.  The video stated that if MySpace was a country, it would be the 8th largest in the world.  This statistic shows the tremendous popularity of Social Media websites such as MySpace and the influence that computers and the internet have brought to our lives. The video inspires me to try and incorporate these new forms of media into my teaching because they are so popular among my students.

The video is also a bit overwhelming.  In a world where everything is changing so rapidly, I fear that I will not be able to keep up with the new technology and definitions.  Watching this video really helped me to see the importance of continuing to develop as an educator and to take advantage of workshops that are offered on Social Media.  It is our duty as educators to stay informed and to help prepare our students for the future and for jobs that haven't yet been created.


1 comment:

  1. We all have the same problem of the "overflow" of information. Our job is to figure out how best to take advantage of this phenomenon without getting overwhelmed and to teach our student to do the same. We are all learning together!

    Love the comic!

    Dr. Burgos
