Sunday, September 26, 2010

It's Just the beginNING...

Using a NING is another fast and easy way to get connected.  This network allows you to join groups that discuss a variety of topics.  For me, one useful website that I am interested in for professional use would be the Classroom 2.0 NING.  On this page, there are other professionals having discussions about the Social Media that they use in their classrooms.  This site would be especially useful to me because I noticed that there are other teachers that are looking to use Skype to connect classrooms around the world.  Also, there were educators discussing new technology that they had used and ordered for their classroom such as video cameras.

Another NING that is useful to me is a private one called FLES.  This website connects the members of the West Seneca District and is a work in progress.  It's goal is to introduce Foreign Language in the elementary schools.  Both of these websites are very useful ways to keep everyone updated with new ideas and developments in the professional world.

Making Connections: Today's Learner

In the article, Connectivism: A Learning Theory For the Digital Age, George Siemens quotes the definition of learning as “a persisting change in human performance or performance potential…[which] must come about as a result of the learner’s experience and interaction with the world” (p.11).  He describes learning as simply, "A way of being."  I believe that Siemens was trying to say that today's learner must be an intuitive, creative and resourceful one, with the abililty to make connections with others.  Therefore, think today's learner is like a detective for several reasons.  

In the article, Siemens stressed that rather than actually knowing the answers to our questions, today's learner must know where and how to find that information just as a detective must know where and how to gather information to solve a crime.  Technology has influenced the way in which the learner is now able to learn and the speed in which they can do so. 

In the video, The Impact of Social Media on Learning, the influence of technology is discussed.  Social Media websites such as Wikis and Blogs are constantly being updated and sharing information in order to keep people informed with the newest information.  The video stresses the way in which people are able to easily make connections with others and share information, just as a detective gathers information about a crime from witnesses and other contacts and makes connections.  The video suggests, "we derive our competence from forming connections."

Overall, today's learner must be able to socially connect with others in order to continue to grow and must keep up with the most current information.  Through social media, today's learner has endless opportunities to learn and connect with the world.


Saturday, September 18, 2010

"Did You Know?"

The, "Did You Know?" video was really interesting and got me thinking about Social Media and how it affects my life and the lives of my students.  The video stated that if MySpace was a country, it would be the 8th largest in the world.  This statistic shows the tremendous popularity of Social Media websites such as MySpace and the influence that computers and the internet have brought to our lives. The video inspires me to try and incorporate these new forms of media into my teaching because they are so popular among my students.

The video is also a bit overwhelming.  In a world where everything is changing so rapidly, I fear that I will not be able to keep up with the new technology and definitions.  Watching this video really helped me to see the importance of continuing to develop as an educator and to take advantage of workshops that are offered on Social Media.  It is our duty as educators to stay informed and to help prepare our students for the future and for jobs that haven't yet been created.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Using Blogs in My Class

I am very interested in setting up a blog to use with my students.  There are several ways in which to use the blog.  It is important to start out small as you familiarize yourself with how a blog works.  

My first step would be to create a blog for the parents of my students.  I think this tool would be a great way to establish and maintain contact with parents.  I would use the blog to post class news and assignments so that parents would know what we were studying in class.

Secondly, I'd like to use the blog to allow my students to practice their Spanish writing skills.  We would have "paperless" assignments where students could log on, read the assigned article, and post a response.  It would be great for students that don't always like to raise their hand to participate in class, and they would have the ability to respond to their classmates posts as well without feeling any pressure.  Through this activity, ACTFL communication standard 1.2 would be addressed.

My third use of a blog would be to try and connect my classroom with Spanish speaking students.  It would be very beneficial and fun for the students to have a blog "penpal" that they could write and respond to.  This would give students the opportunity to learn from native speakers in a comfortable environment.  ACTFL comparison standards 4.1 and 4.2 would be addressed because students would be able to compare the Spanish language and culture with their own.

I'm excited to explore the different ways in which a blog will help my students to learn about the Spanish language and culture.

Internet Safety For Students

The internet is a very valuable resource in education, but we cannot forget about the importance of student safety while using the internet.  The West Seneca Central School District has a link on their website to the Town of West Seneca website that shares information on how parents can keep their children safe on the internet. (

The following in a list of important rules for students to follow when using weblogs and other internet pages.

1. Do NOT reveal any personal information (name, address, telephone number, photographs or school name) 

2. Protect your reputation! Remember that pictures and stories can come back to haunt you if they are inappropriate.  

3. Remember that nothing is private online.  Assume that everything you post online can be seen by anyone, and think twice before you post.

4. NEVER meet with anyone that you meet online.  Someone may not be who they say they are online. 

The district policy for West Seneca does not allow for photographs of individual students to be posted on the school website.  They must appear in pairs or groups.  Also, students may not be identified by their full name in photographs (unless parental permission is given).

When used properly, the internet and internet tools can be a great, fun way for students to learn.